
Lost Paradise of Dilmun


2 weeks ago, one of the Managers atmy work asks me where I will spend Eid Holidays. Abruptly, I answered Bahrain.

He might have wondered why inBahrain and not in my home country in contrast to my colleague who is goingback to India. Honestly, I wish I could afford to fly back to home land and spend9 days with family. But the only and fitted destination for my budget is someother sandpit.

I could have gone to Dubai or anyother nearby country. But who would waste such precious time alone or without friends?And not to mention I regarded Bahrain as my second home. And as my first homeis way too far, it is just and fair to outlay and be exuberant to the second.

Moving on! Enough of my littledrama hehe.

Every Eid its been a traditionwith my group to plan for a beach getaway or pool party. But for a change thoughand since we are spontaneous like that, we yielded to our hasty itching feet, marched,drove over south and found ourselves larking over Lost Paradise of Dilmun! Charing!Hehe. The fact is we could not find a place where we could party thus wedropped ourselves in deserted area called Lost Paradise of Dilmun. Tehee.
Lost Paradise of Dilmun WaterPark (LPOD) is a venue where you could mold yourself into a kid like while drenchingyourself into a fun-filled adventure and freeing yourself to water.

LPOD offer lots of water sportsand variety of rides. If your feet are tired from roaming around or if yourvoice is gone due to non-stop screaming from water rides, then you could opt tolay-low and stick around nearby wave land and see a spectacular show the venueoffers like of ‘the strongest man alive’ or ‘wakeboarding show’.

A little trivia about me and thisplace Jplease bear with me. I reckon I handled this account during the constructionstage. Perk as part of main contractor’s team; I could have visited this place5 years ago! I can’t remember exactly the reason behind I haven’t included AlAreen Water Park (first name before LPOD) for a site visit after its completionstage. Hmmm. Maybe we were tired after roaming Banyan Tree Resort. Oh, anotherShangri-la (another place to put on my bucket list!).

 Anyways, here are some of the photos takenduring our escapade! 

    |1) Sheer Tops with Sequined Collar, Topshop |2) Fedora Hat, F21 |3) Neon Shorts, Zara |4) Mint Green Bandeau, H&M| 
    |Can you see me? Yup! I can't believe I did slides and conquered my fear from this monstrous, scurry, sky-   high slides!|
      |Pardon me. I can't resist of posting this pic. :) paparazi effect here.|


I am so thankful I spent qualitytime with my friends. Nothing beats the endless laugh trip, bangayan, foodtrip, spa nights and chill out moments. Really thankful and feel blessed havingthem in my life. 

Until next time loves! 

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